
This directory aims to provide all the materials required to crack an SDE Interview.

What you need

Core CS

SNo Topic
1 Fundamentals of DSA, OS, CN and DBMS
2 Load balancing, caching, horizontal and vertical scaling, distributed system, and latency.
3 Distributed storage, distributed computing, consensus algorithm, and its applications.
4 MVC, Observer, Singleton, Factory, and Dependency Injection.
5 Designing APIs and microservices. Loose coupling, separation of concerns, and API versioning. REST, GraphQL, and Message queues.
6 Relational databases and NoSQL databases. Indexing, sharding, replication, and ACID properties.
7 Different system architectures, such as monolithic, microservices, and serverless. Design principles like SOLID, DRY, and KISS.
8 Deep dive into real-world system design case studies.



Communication Skills

Puzzles and Aptitude

General Tips

Useful Links